Welcome to the Nancy Thomas Gallery


"Spring won't let me stay in this house any longer! I must get out and breathe the air deeply again." ~ Gustav Mahler

Can it be? Is Spring really nearby?

All of our Spring prints are 25% off. No code needed.


"In the Spring, I have counted 136 types of weather in 24 hours."

~ Mark Twain

Visit our Norfolk, Va. gallery ~ We'd Love to see you!

This month, we'll be in and out of the gallery but we'd love to see you! To visit our adorable little gallery, contact us to make a flexible appointment or by chance we may be in.

If the Colonial man is out, that means we are in!

Nancy Thomas Gallery

814 W 45th Street ~ Ste C~ Norfolk ~ VA ~ 23508

Call or text 757-553-5980.