Welcome to the Nancy Thomas Gallery

Composite my wall ~ Try Before You Buy ~ See Gallery Grands in your home before you purchase.

Love a print and want to see how it will look before you buy it?

How about using our new service - Composite My Wall!

We are now offering a service where we show you what your print choice could look like in the space you're thinking about.

What we need from you:

1. Measure the space where you want the print to go. Don't forget we offer custom sizes.

2. Mark off the space with tape. We recommend painters tape.

3. Take 2 pictures of your space from head on. One without the tape and one with the tape.

4. Email the image to ntgonline1@gmail.com. In the subject line write Composite My Wall.

5. We will send a composite image within 2 business days.

What a great way to show you what the beautiful print could look like in your space!